When Keita and Abdu came to my studio I had a unique pleasure to photograph two Senegal youngsters that met in Slovenia, EU and are friends now. I was invited to eat food at Abdu’s place afterwards the way they eat food back home in Senegal. Abdu cooked a traditional dish, rice with chicken, a lot of onions and some spicy sauce. We ate with hands, each of us in his or her corner of the food dish that sat in the middle of the table. My hand experienced something that was not used to. My connection with the people around the table, a beautiful African woman Najma, my friends Lavan, Abdu and Keita was racing Nascar laps. I had a feeling of belonging and acceptance that was something new, an experiance so powerful that almost seemed sexual, primal, basic and lovable.


sincerely Adriana


Joseph the priest